Any regrets on selling the Demon at this point? Or was it a case of "been there, done that"?
Not really any regrets to speak of. I really was not going to chase those Guys or Gals that were gutting their interiors and literally every other item in the car that would un bolt or un snap or un clip etc. you get the idea. That and it was time for a change. It sucks that Frostbite car did not work perfectly. I will always wonder how that would have done if it did not hiccup. You cannot argue with 108 MPH in the 1/8th @+1600 DA. And that was WITH that massive hiccup. Kind of a bummer I had to change directions so soon again but the Super Stock was calling me.
Also I really did not baby the Demon. So it had a lot of passes, lots of street miles and all the wear and tear that goes along with that. And I did not have the crate. So I am really happy with what I got for it. Now I get a brand new mint car again.
The one really good thing about the Frostbite car is it taught me about HP Tuners, data logging reading and writing tunes etc. I am greatful for that and even though I do not plan on tuning this car I now know how to trouble shoot codes and reset adaptives etc.
Some of my Friends on FaceBook just got after the lightweights and posted the most hilarious photo with a smart ass caption. I could not stop laughing although I did not comment...........