Hopefully your build and paint quality is stepped up !!! Some of the Challengers Ive looked at have a lot of orange peal and under the hood and doors theres lots of runs/sags in the paint.
My car was ordered under CDI , a friend order coded for me. CDI is certain designated individual, Im not a new car guy, old school muscle car guy that builds and restores myself so it was really special to me. Got to check out my car before it went to dealer , that was cool! The paint quality is really nice so is fit and finish. Car was not prepped or cleaned in 1st pic 5 miles. Very pickey on finishes I wetsand ,wheel,paint correct myself so Ive been over every inch of the car theres only one tiny speck of dirt in the cars paint very low, the orange peel is very minimal. Its still a production line car and still has the standard Challenger flaws but paint is exceptionally nice.
Also Ron you mentioned having your hood wrapped, excellent choice! Penski was painting them at one time here in the detroit area, they were just scuffed and shot, it was hit or miss some were good, alot were very sloppy. then they started wrapping, not sure if they've went back with paint.Wrapping is great, comes right off if you want to change up later.
Good luck with the SS, hopefully does all your looking for.