Just dapendz on da amountz of $$ day have in da strike fund. It want last fer ever. Good luck 2 em. Wished weed had da dee mands ass keen at dis time. Could bee reasunanable maze snot. Tough 2 call frum here. Ass watchen da nuz on da tv as thay can give it 2 me.
Now, I do kinda figure out ware wee bee in dis cuntreez dee fence situation. Luuken at Is Rye Allz lack of darez. In ovah 25 ears day have snot upgraded a thang. Letten Du Mas get da drop on em. Tunellesz, buildens, Iran funnelen weapuns 2 send to da strip. I ttps bean ovah 20 ears cents I have bean dare. On an In deependent warioor whore. Kinda like deez war whores. Butt different wazwe of da sides. Killerz, yes, butt not da same asspects. Dis is groien 2 bee a mess not 2 bee seen bi da public. Oil is bean held ova our heads and our gooberment should have had a plan B & C 2 counterfend dis. Day dident. Trump did and shud bee put back in dare sum warze. Yea, fishin buddy, may be. da rest, nope. Dust settlez. We will clean up our spellen. Maybe?