Yea the guy from Aussy stole my conception and then the guy from St Pete stole the rest. Then he fell down and never returned my calls. I have a great idea of this critter and I am not giving out any more info over the net. I will help any one but for someone to sell an idea that dosen't work or mess it up is not going to have me associated with it. The whole tank in the trunk idea is completely stupid. I think there is 1 guy that picked up on conseption of using the car's a/c unit with a few mods was right on track. Very simple, small amount of tubing, couple of tees, a little bit of controls. So no stupid toggle switch. I believe this guy had it turned on with the controls of the cabin a/c. Man,,, sorry this got so buggered up. Being a chiller mechanic for 30 years in a many different manners, hate to see any one get their $$$ taken by a scam from a scum.