Nice runs Ron. 10.0 consistently is doing it, not to mention in the 9s in a pretty much stock car. Good stuff.
I've got a 2019 RE tune and the 2020 you sent me from your old car. Comparing them the only difference I see is in Aggression 0 shift patterns. I'm not sure what mode that is (maybe sport or track?) but the 2019 has a higher 1-2 shift than 2020 but just a few RPM but only certain instances.
2019 1-2 = 6270 rpm commanded
2020 1-2 = 6320 commanded, so a 50 rpm difference but only in a couple of scenarios. Others are closer. They've remapped what some of the tables do in 2020 and without driving a car around and seeing what table it picks for different drive modes I'm having to guess at which one's which.
Both 2019 and 2020 have a 6700 rpm hard rpm limit and 6500 rpm soft limit in autostick. In "drive" it's 6350.
@DRAGRCR did you try running in autostick as that gives about 150 more RPM?
I'm going to try to get a Super Stock tune so I can see what's different about it vs these two RE tunes.