Thats kinda what I figured. Sux, cause I bet its far more effecient. Everything is a freaking secret but I think Skip over at Demon has something for me as I was talking to him last week.
Thought about sending motor there to swap it for a Noonan Billet Block but unless I go TT it wont do much for me and im wanting to stay blower for now cause I want that instant hit it gives me. Its about $30k to swap it as I have rods, crank and heads. I do need a better valve train tho.
The Turbos are just far less stress on everything but the TT kit with AMS 2000 BC is about $35k as I wanted to go with Bullsye NLX 80mm's so not sure what I wanna do as money does not grow on trees. Think im just gonna pulley down to a 3.0 and put new cam in it and see how it performs.
The goal this year after the new cam, pulley, valve train and valve covers is to lighten it up. CF seats, hatch, glass roof removal, Carbon Ceramic fronts and CF doors when they come available. Doors are gonna be really expensive might have to wait on those for next year idn.