I do recommend the summer (if your weather supports it) Michelin PS4S in 315/30. I recently confirmed the PS4S heat cycle out at around 6000-7000 miles, but that included several hard driving track weekends. I checked this weekend, a weekend driving to Sebring, tracking the car, and driving home is 500-600 exceptionally enjoyable miles!! I got out of shape in T1 at Sebring after passing a Rush and entering the turn on the inside, but to their credit the NT05 is very predictable and controllable, if exceptionally loose. But hey, I had a blast anyway! I have not tried new Cup 2s, so I'll defer to DGatzby on those, but I mounted a used set with plenty of tread and they were past their grippy beginnings, so didn't work for me. Tried to buy Toyota RRs to see how they work and they are on a nationwide backorder lately.