Wife is trying to figure out what color Wrangler/Gladiator she wants (her Cherokee lease is up in a couple months) and they did not have a couple colors on the dealer lot that she wanted to look at so when I got home from work I told her that I guess we can run up to the plant and look at the colors in person. So we took the SS and started out on our hour long casual cruise to go look at colors. We we're cruising down State Route 20 just out of town and here comes a white Mercedes with some exhaust mods. He pulls up next to me and starts revving his engine and pulls ahead, I ignore him for a while and this goes on for a couple miles.
Wife says you should give him a little something! Wife is a really bad influence

He's a little ahead of me so I speed up to 70 and catch up slowly and I see he's slowing down, I pull up next to him and we're doing about 55 or so. I cruise next to him for a moment (wide open highway with no cars ahead for as far as I can see) I give it a little tap to let him know I'll play and he takes off so I let it eat and look down pretty quick and I see speedo reading 123 and increasing rapidly!! I look in my mirror and he's WAAAAY back there so I let off and after rolling down to 108 I start tapping the breaks before a cops surprises me from somewhere as they do tend to sit around the area. I slow back down to 5 over and just cruise along. After a short period he comes rolling by with his window down nodding his head in approval and just keeps on rolling
Bad thing is when he was gone, after but about five miles it happened again but with a truck this time

Truck goes flying by with the throttle down and then slows down and does it again. I just kind of wave hi and ignore the nudging to race and go about my business. Finished the round trip with no other instances of harassment.
I have been asked twice in the last two weeks if my SS is real?? Guy at Advance Auto told me that there are a ton of cars around that are rebadged and have exhaust work done to sound performancey

They just loud as shit! Really annoying!
I think this is part of the reason I seem to be getting tested a lot lately? Maybe the other drivers think I'm just a rebadged GT or Scat but as soon I as give it a jab they usually stand down. There is a guy in town with a Mustang that's been looking for me to race, saw him at the last car show standing by my car waiting for me to show up...whatever