There I was, in my 9th grade year of school, on my bike by buddy's house, going down hill as fast as I could... (he dared me, I had no choice...

So as I broke the sound barrier in 10th gear, in my best tuck position, I had to make the left hand turn onto his road, which was a reverse banked road because of the overall grade of the hill in the area...
Again, I was above the sound barrier, legs going like mad... But somewhere back about 1000yards ago, my guardian angle said "I'm outta here..." and left me high and dry...
About the time I hit 60degrees of lean, the tires on that bike said "We're outta here too" and I went for a another 1000 yards (seemed like it anyway) on my side, experimenting with the CoF of my clothes, then my skin, then my flesh on the road surface...