I mixed 1/2 to 1/2 93 two 110 octane but did not know the 110 was leaded till the 3rd tank. Damage dun. Fuel rails burnt up 3 times, fuel pumps, s yes, converters 3 times dunster,, in the dumpster. It all went. 3 times so Dodge Cares stepped into the pict ural and took control from the dealer ship. # days a trip from NJ during the winter can be brutal up north,,, Maderia Beach and my buddy El Rico la from Indian Rocks Beach at the time bought a Demon from Sun Coast Chryster Jeep,, Seminole tech David ownes a Viper and is the head Demon, Viper, H/C tech. He stays buzy. El Ri Co La traded his $135,000 Demon in for a $250,000 Lambo and a new townhome on the beach. Gooez in the marget guys. I am a moderate to be truthful. I bring in 6% all day long. As I am picking my teeth with a 6 inch switch blade. A bit ill legal. Nkot by much.