One of the primary ways they steal these is plugging in a tablet to the OBD2 port, start it, and drive away. We put a dummy plug in the stock spot and pushed the original plug up into the dash where it would be hard to find.
You can turn off passive entry or keep your fobs in a metal box or faraday bag when not in use to avoid someone spoofing your fob or using a device to extend it's range when you're away from the car.
A member on here makes a plate to cover the neutral pull strap next to the shifter on Challengers (Charger version coming too). Then they can't pop it into neutral and roll it down the street. You'll have to search, I can't remember their screen name at the moment.
I'm not sure the 2 step authentication software is available yet.
If they want it bad enough, they'll find a way to get it. But theives are generally lazy, so hopefully these measures will make it difficult enough for them to move on to an easier target.